
Epoch care homes are for elders with specialized needs, focused on conditions such as Parkinson’s, PSP, Stroke, Cerebral Atrophy etc.

Parkinson's disease (PD)

Parkinson’s disease is a common neurodegenerative disease characterized by changes in movement and posture. It is a progressive illness with symptoms starting from barely noticeable to obvious symptoms.

Parkinson’s disease has a prevalence rate of 0.5-1% in the 65-69 years old population. Its occurrence rises as age progresses and its incidence is second to Alzheimer’s disease. It is seen not only in elderly, but also in people between 21–40 years of age (termed as Early Onset Parkinson’s) and people below 20 years of age (Juvenile Parkinson’s). The onset of Parkinson’s before 50 years of age is termed Young Onset Parkinson’s.

Cause and symptoms

Parkinson’s is an idiopathic illness, which means that its cause is unknown. The signs and symptoms it presents are caused by the loss of nerve cells in the part of the brain called substantia nigra. This part of the brain is responsible for the production of dopamine, a neurotransmitter that links the brain and nervous system to coordinate body movements. Loss of dopamine results in uncoordinated body movements, thereby producing the signs and symptoms of the disease. Tremors, rigidity, and bradykinesia are the triad of symptoms of Parkinson’s disease.

Due to Parkinson’s and its symptoms, elders may experience certain emotional and behavioral disturbances that can be difficult to manage. Some of these could be anger and stubbornness, low mood, impulsive behaviour, hallucinations and delusions.

Epoch Parkinson's Care Program

Although there is no cure for Parkinson’s at present, its symptoms can be managed effectively. It is a life altering condition, but it is not life threatening, meaning that the condition itself does not cause death/is not fatal.

Parkinson’s care plan involves psychological interventions, medical therapy, functional independence, safety, preventive measures and improving overall quality of life. Medications, physical and cognitive exercises, a healthy lifestyle and allied therapies have proven to be effective in managing the symptoms of Parkinson’s and maintaining the quality of life; making it possible to live independently and productively. As the condition progresses, it is important to visit the doctor regularly so that the condition can be monitored and timely adjustments in medication can be made.

The comprehensive Epoch Parkinson’s Care Program is person centered. It can help in improving the physical and cognitive functions, and also improves the psychological and emotional wellbeing of the person. This care plan includes nutrition management, training in mobility, gait & balance, and aims to build strength & flexibility.

It will include various interventions such as:

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Cognitive stimulation

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Managing behavioral challenges

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Dietary management

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Speech therapy

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Occupational therapy

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Medication management

See what our clients have to say!

Have a look at these articles on Parkinson's disease care by our Head of Clinical Operations, Prasita Nair.

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Parkinson’s and Depression

Prasita Nair, Head of Clinical Operations

There is a strong relationship between Parkinson's disease and depression. Clinical depression needs a formal diagnosis by a psychiatrist and is much more intense than ‘’low mood’’. Prolonged feeling of helplessness, hopelessness.

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Impact of Parkinson's Disease on Daily Life and Relationships

Prasita Nair, Head of Clinical Operations

At Epoch to manage the impact of Parkinson's Disease on the daily life and relationships of elders, we work closely with neurologists, physiotherapists and family to create a comprehensive treatment plan. This includes medication, therapy, and lifestyle changes.

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5 Early Signs of Parkinson's Disease

Prasita Nair, Head of Clinical Operations

By recognizing the early signs of Parkinson's Disease, nurses and caregivers can take proactive measures to ensure timely intervention and enhance the quality of life for elders. It is crucial to be aware of the five common early signs of Parkinson's Disease and address them promptly.

We are grateful to our residents and family members for sharing their experiences with us.

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“We explored many facilities and options. And then we found Epoch! It took only a couple of interactions with Neha and her team and a brief visit of the facilities, to be reassured that we had found the perfect elder care home and environment for our father.”

Our father was a successful, well-respected entrepreneur and a fiercely independent person. Since my brother and I reside in Australia and...

Click to read full article.

Sons of ex-resident (Australia)

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Our father has been under Epoch’s care since 2014. The attention to medical/physical well-being as well as the sophisticated, caring approach to managing dementia that Epoch has provided is truly excellent, and way beyond anything else in India. While they operate professionally, it’s with a warmth and flexibility that helps families like ours cope with the difficulties with the situation


Daughter of Resident

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